Difference between Inverters VSI vs CSI


Difference between Inverters VSI vs CSI

VSI (Voltage Source Inverter)CSI (Current Source Inverter)
1. In voltage source inverter input voltage is kept constant.1. In current source inverter input current is kept constant.
2. VSI is fed from a DC voltage source having small or negligible impedance.2. CSI is fed with adjustable current source from a DC voltage source of high impedance.
3. DC source in parallel with large capacitor.3. VSI can be converted into CSI, By connecting large series inductance.
4.Input voltage is maintained constant.4. The input current is constant but adjustable.
5. An output voltage is independent of load.5. An output current is independent of load
6. The waveform of the load current as well as its magnitude depends upon the nature of load impedance.6. The magnitude of output voltage and its waveform depends upon the nature of the load impedance.
7. VSI has slow response than CSI. 7. CSI has fast response than VSI.
8. VSI requires feedback diodes8. The CSI does not require any feedback diodes.
9. The commutation circuit is complicated. It uses current commutation.9. Commutation circuit is simple as it contains only capacitors. It uses voltage commutation.
10. Power BJT, Power MOSFET, IGBT with self commutation can be used in the circuit.10. Thyristors are Used.
11. In VSI diodes are connected in parallel.11. In CSI diodes are connected in series.
12. PWM technique is used.12. PWM technique is not used.


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